About Me

I am a complete nerd, I enjoy gaming and wandering around the internet for hours learning useless tips (did you know you can remove a teeshirt in under 3 seconds using only one hand?) 

I love cars, especially classic cars. In fact I own one, a 1987 Mini City E.

I also enjoy photography, of course when two interests naturally cross paths you keep doing both on a larger scale, in this instance I set up: Ignition-Images Automotive Photography

I also occasionally make websites for people. I did Multimedia in University which included a huge chunk on Web Design. I am doing websites and photography freelance at the moment until I am able to build up my experience enough to transfer over into an existing company.

I have just a small hint of OCD (even though you wouldn't have guessed it by looking at my room it is blindingly obvious if you look at my Itunes..). This is especially a pain when I am editing images because I will painstakingly remove every single spec of litter or dead bug from every panel of the car in each shot.. But then again it keeps me busy!

I hope you all enjoy reading my posts on here and I hope it will spur some of you onto doing that massive declutter that you secretly would like to do one day..